Current Students
Term Schedule
First Year
First Year Fall Schedule (PDF)
First Year Spring Schedule (PDF)
** PTHE 8203 Clin Ed I – Clinical Dates – March 18 – April 26, 2024 (6 weeks)
** No Spring Break
Second Year
Second Year Fall Schedule (PDF)
Second Year Spring Schedule (PDF)
** CAHS research day: April 26 – need to be present for either the morning or afternoon session – check with Capstone Mentor.
Third Year
Third Year Fall Schedule (PDF)
Third Year Spring Schedule (PDF)
** PTHE8803 Clin Ed IV January 8 – March 15, 2024 (10 weeks)
** CAHS RESEARCH DAY (tentatively April 24) – students are to be here for the ENTIRE day 9:00 – 4:30
** Comprehensive Exam Day -Wednesday, April 10, 2024 in Room 2502G of the Laupus Library 9:00 – 1:00
Tuition, Assistantships, and Scholarships
Scholarship Information
There are several scholarships for physical therapy students in the College of Allied Health Sciences. Please view CAHS scholarship opportunities and physical therapy student scholarship opportunities.
Additional Funding Opportunities
Additional funding options available to ECU graduate students are available. Please visit for more information.
Graduate and Clinical Assistantships
The Department of Physical Therapy provides a limited number of GA/CA positions to DPT students through Graduate School and Tuition Differential funds.
Eligibility: To apply for GA/CA funds students must have completed 9 credits of graduate coursework and have a GPA > 3.0
General Expectations: Each faculty member will provide a detailed description of expectations for GAs/CAs, including days/hours of work. GAs/CAs are required to complete their capstone research project with their mentor, and faculty may require their GAs to take specific special topics course(s). All “full time” DPT GAs will be paid a stipend of $4000 and expected to work 300 hours in a 10-month period. “Part time” GA contracts may also be available, with a proportional reduction in both stipend and total work/hours expected. Details of how these hours are dispersed for each student will be determined by the faculty member.
Timing: Students will be informed of available GA/CA positions in July and will need to apply for positions. It is strongly recommended that students meet with faculty prior to applying for GA/CA position. Initial contracts are typically written for 9/1-6/30, and can be renewed for 7/1-4/30. Faculty occasionally will hire GAs at other times of the year. These positions will be announced to students via email.
Termination: Contracts can be stopped/cancelled at any time in the contract period if performance is not as agreed upon.
Physical Therapy Club
The purpose of the Physical Therapy club is to represent the physical therapy profession on the East Carolina University campus and to promote the physical therapy profession locally, statewide, and nationally through academic, social and civic service. Please visit for more information.
Physical Therapy Alumni Society

Pictured left to right, Emily Murray, class of 2000; Leslie Glenn, ’98; Cassandra McLeod, ’87; Sherry Troutmam, ’77; and, in front, Latasha Ruffin, ’06
The PT Alumni Society organizes many activities during the year which include socials for the PT students and the ECU PT Alumni, providing scholarships to the ECU PT students, recognizing outstanding PT alumni and coordinating activities to strengthen the bonds between ECU physical therapy students and alumni.
The purpose of the ECU Physical Therapy Alumni Society is:
- To support the activities of ECU and the Physical Therapy school toward the realization of its educational programs in every manner possible.
- To establish and promote goals and projects of the society which tend to strengthen the ties between the members, the society, the community and the university.
Please contact ECUDPT@ECU.EDU to learn how to join and/or support the ECU PT Alumni Society!